Things You Need to Know About a DUI Charge

There are quite a few different misdemeanor offenses that are committed every day and one of the most common is driving under the influence. If you have ever been arrested on a DUI charge or you at least know someone who has, then you might have some information about how unpleasant and difficult the entire situation could be. Even though it’s a misdemeanor, it is still taken very seriously in many places because of the potential dangers both to self and to unsuspecting strangers that could easily be injured or killed.

No one ever leaves their home or the venue of some activity with the hope that they will get arrested whether or not it’s a DUI charge. Regardless, these things can happen and it’s important for you to arm yourself with as much information as you can. This is so that in the unlikely and undesirable event that you get pulled over, you know just what to do and how to act without digging a bigger hole for yourself. Here are a few things you need to know about driving-under-the-influence.

Don’t Drink and Drive

This is probably the first and most important point to be made. Alcohol easily impairs cognitive function, judgement and motor skills, all three of which the average driver would need to possess at its fullest even on a short drive. The best way to avoid a DUI charge is to abstain from any substance consumption before driving or get a designated driver. Apart from the problem with the police and all the legal proceedings that might follow, it’s best to take all necessary precautions to keep yourself others as safe as possible.

Get a Lawyer

If you are caught, arrested and taken to a police station, you’ll be given the opportunity to reach out to someone and the best thing to do is to immediately call a legal representative. If you cannot reach a lawyer, reach out to a family member and have them get you one. This is very important so a lawyer can guide you on what to do or say for the best chance against the charges. Even if you are unlikely to be arrested on a DUI charge, get an Orlando Florida DUI lawyer’s contact information just in case something happens.

Don’t Hurry with a Blood Test 

This is another reason why it’s important to have a lawyer present. Generally it’s not a good idea to submit yourself for a blood test immediately you’re asked to. When you talk to your lawyer ask them to get to the police station immediately and don’t do anything before they get there. The police could sometimes convince you that you don’t have a choice but you do.

Say Very Little

Anything you say to a policeman during or after an arrest will most likely be used against you in court. As much as possible, say very little or say nothing at all until your attorney is present. As with your right to a legal representative you also have a right to remain silent. Don’t hesitate to exercise this right.

If you follow the above, you’re most likely not going to run into any serious problems on a DUI charge. Don’t drink and drive. But if something still happens, call a DUI lawyer the first chance you get.

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Five Reasons To Call A Personal Injury Lawyer

If you have been in an accident and wish to collect a settlement from the insurance company, you may be considering undergoing the process yourself. However, many people have gone through that process while recovering from their injuries and come out of it wishing that they had simply hired a personal injury lawyer to represent them instead. From confusing conditions and deadlines to sizable settlements, here are five reasons you should call a personal injury lawyer.

1. You Have Nothing To Lose

Recovering from an injury can be an expensive process and the thought of adding legal fees to the mix can be anxiety-inducing. However, most personal injury lawyers will only charge a fee in the event that they win your claims case. Which means that even if you eventually lose the case, you will not be stuck with a large legal fee.

2. Know If You Have A Case

You might be hesitant to file a claim if you do not know what your chances of winning it are. A consultation with an attorney would help clear your doubts. For instance, if you were trying to make an injury claim against the state of Ohio, a Cleveland personal injury lawyer would be able to tell you about the governments’ immunity from liability and advise you on the way forward.

3. Rules and Deadlines

Your recovery period may be an inconvenient time to find that different states in the US have specific time limits in which personal injury claims must be filed, under the statute of limitations, or that your time to do that has run out. If you hire a personal injury lawyer, you can be sure that your claims will be filed on time, and that everything necessary will be done to make sure your case is well attended to.

4. Evidence and Documentation

A person who was injured in an accident is unlikely to be capable of documenting their injuries, or of efficiently gathering evidence like physical evidence or witness testimonies related to the case. Also, it is easy for the memories of events to fade or become unreliable as time passes. A personal injury lawyer will make sure that all facts related to the case are properly documented, and that details of the event are clearly recorded for presentation purposes.

5. Settlement Size and Speed

In some personal injury cases, it may be in the best interests of the defendant to settle the case out of court. In situations like this, you will need a personal injury lawyer who is capable of negotiating a worthwhile settlement on your behalf and to make sure that the settlement is agreed upon and paid quickly so you can focus on your recovery.

The reasons above should convince you to call a personal injury attorney if you are ever injured. Most law firms offer free first-time consultations, so do not hesitate to call and get help with resolving your claim and getting your life back after injury.

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Knowing Your Rights When Working for a Home Based Business

Working for a home based business can be a great experience. You get to be a part of a small company and can build camaraderie within the company that turns into lifelong friendships. You also get to learn how to multitask and do many jobs that are outside of your skill sets. So you get a great chance to learn new skills.

But sometimes these companies are run much looser than a company that is set up in an office and you as the worker must make sure that you pay close attention and protect yourself. Here are some tips to make sure that your working experience at a home business is the best one.

One That Acts Within the Law

When you choose to work for a home based business, it is vital that you select a company that abides by all of the laws for business that are applicable. This means making sure that they are legally registered and that they provide you all of the benefits as a worker required by law. This includes insurance, a minimum wage, and set working hours.

One important issue regarding working at a home business is how the company has listed you as a worker. Home businesses often try and save costs and open way to do this is to list their workers as independent contractors rather than employees. This allows them to save money on insurance and taxes. For you the employee, you will lose out on valuable benefits that you are due when you work for a company. In addition, if the government finds out that you have an inaccurate working status you can be legally viable and ordered to pay penalties.  

There are specific guidelines for an independent contractor but you can tell that you are an employee essentially if the company treats you like one meaning they provide specific orders to you regarding your job, you work in their premises, and you are not on a contract. Making sure of your proper status can keep you legal. If you suspect that you have an inaccurate employment status you need to contact a reputable worker misclassification lawyer like the Sattiraju Law Firm. They will help you to understand your rights and how to take action.

One That Values Your Contributions

You should receive specific guidelines and a set of objectives from your employer and when you meet or exceed these you should be in line for a promotion or a bonus of some sort. Companies today must realize that good employees are valuable and should be rewarded. If your company does not realize this and act accordingly you should consider leaving.

One that Pays You on Time

One of the challenges in working for a home based business is that small companies often have cash flow issues. This can lead to the owners asking you to take less money or to allow to not be paid on time. You should never allow a company this accommodation. When you work you should expect to be paid and on time. If your place of employment has cash flow issues this might be an indication that they are not going to be around long. It is definitely time for you to look for employment elsewhere.

Knowing what you can expect as an employee at a home based business helps you to understand your rights and what you should anticipate.

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How Consultancies Can Protect Themselves from Litigation

How Consultancies Can Protect Themselves from Litigation?

Photo by CC user Statmanharris on wikimedia commons

Consultancy businesses face challenges at every growing stage of their lifespan. They are prone to litigation at every turn as the regulatory environment increasingly becomes complex. No one can entirely predict when a problem necessitating litigation might arise. That is why any serious business must make sure that their compliance plans adhere to nationally recognized standards and practices.

As the business industry grows, understandably they often turn to consultants for expert advice in dealing with legal issues. While that is commendable, those very consultants create potential problems of their in respect to government regulations and practices. There have been plenty of legal mistakes made by consultancy firms, with most being avoidable. There are numerous ways on how a consultancy firm can protect itself from litigation.

The first step is the most obvious; make sure the company complies with the necessary regulations and policy standards available. Businesses should have a compliance department is adequately trained to investigate and handle competently issues pertaining compliance requirements. Unfortunately, compliance requirements have not been fully standardized which leaves businesses to grapple with regulatory vagueness. But regardless of this, ensure that compliance plans are monitored and regularly updated to conform to the changing rules.

Every consultancy company should have a standard contract when dealing with its clients. There is no set standard way of writing a contract. Most companies have contracts that have been customized to suit their needs. The most important step for any consultancy company is to make sure they have a contract that passes the scrutiny from an experienced lawyer. The contract should be detailed, clearly spelling out terms of engagement including prices, when they are due, penalties and interest rates owed if payment is not done as agreed. Include clauses that cover liabilities or those that mitigate you from a breach in the occurrence of such events. Always have a clause that clearly stipulates how disputes will be solved.

Most consultancy firms are in the business of providing services to their clients which pave the way for long-term working relationships. It is, therefore, mandatory for them to have good terms of an agreement that outlines the conditions of engagement between the company and the client.

In an ill-advised effort to save on expenses, businesses often tend to hire inexperienced legal counsel or lawyers who are friends or relatives who will offer them a discounted fee instead of spending the money necessary to hire competent lawyers. In doing so, consultancy companies deny themselves the advice of experienced legal counsel who can help them in avoiding future legal problems.

Finally, consultancy firms should be aware of their jurisdiction and the laws applicable to search companies. These rules differ from one state to another, and they form the basis of an agreement with clients or negotiation with the arbitrators. Businesses should constantly keep updating their database with regards to legal issues to avoid being caught on the wrong side of the law unknowingly. By learning how consultancies can protect themselves from litigation, you can avoid falling victim to sue-happy individuals.

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