Things You Need to Know About a DUI Charge

There are quite a few different misdemeanor offenses that are committed every day and one of the most common is driving under the influence. If you have ever been arrested on a DUI charge or you at least know someone who has, then you might have some information about how unpleasant and difficult the entire situation could be. Even though it’s a misdemeanor, it is still taken very seriously in many places because of the potential dangers both to self and to unsuspecting strangers that could easily be injured or killed.

No one ever leaves their home or the venue of some activity with the hope that they will get arrested whether or not it’s a DUI charge. Regardless, these things can happen and it’s important for you to arm yourself with as much information as you can. This is so that in the unlikely and undesirable event that you get pulled over, you know just what to do and how to act without digging a bigger hole for yourself. Here are a few things you need to know about driving-under-the-influence.

Don’t Drink and Drive

This is probably the first and most important point to be made. Alcohol easily impairs cognitive function, judgement and motor skills, all three of which the average driver would need to possess at its fullest even on a short drive. The best way to avoid a DUI charge is to abstain from any substance consumption before driving or get a designated driver. Apart from the problem with the police and all the legal proceedings that might follow, it’s best to take all necessary precautions to keep yourself others as safe as possible.

Get a Lawyer

If you are caught, arrested and taken to a police station, you’ll be given the opportunity to reach out to someone and the best thing to do is to immediately call a legal representative. If you cannot reach a lawyer, reach out to a family member and have them get you one. This is very important so a lawyer can guide you on what to do or say for the best chance against the charges. Even if you are unlikely to be arrested on a DUI charge, get an Orlando Florida DUI lawyer’s contact information just in case something happens.

Don’t Hurry with a Blood Test 

This is another reason why it’s important to have a lawyer present. Generally it’s not a good idea to submit yourself for a blood test immediately you’re asked to. When you talk to your lawyer ask them to get to the police station immediately and don’t do anything before they get there. The police could sometimes convince you that you don’t have a choice but you do.

Say Very Little

Anything you say to a policeman during or after an arrest will most likely be used against you in court. As much as possible, say very little or say nothing at all until your attorney is present. As with your right to a legal representative you also have a right to remain silent. Don’t hesitate to exercise this right.

If you follow the above, you’re most likely not going to run into any serious problems on a DUI charge. Don’t drink and drive. But if something still happens, call a DUI lawyer the first chance you get.

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