4 Things to Consider When Starting A Small Business

Have you ever thought about living the entrepreneur lifestyle? There are lots of benefits to setting up your own business, but there’s a lot to think about when you embark on this journey.

Starting a small business may seem daunting. How are you going to find customers? How do you make sure you’re not working for no reward? What if no one buys your product? What if you work yourself to the bone and go under?

Are you considering starting a small business? Here are four tips to help you get started.

1. Define your goal

The first step to starting a small business should be clearly defining your goals and objectives. This can help you figure out if it is the right time for you to start a business. Define your goals by writing down what you want to accomplish or achieve with your small business in your business plan. Make it as specific or general as you like. Whatever it is, just make sure you write a clear and concise description of your goal.   

2. Think about what sets your business apart

While starting a business is exciting and exhilarating, there’s a good chance you’re not the only one with this idea. So, what sets your small business apart from the crowd? Be sure to ask yourself this question before proceeding further down the path of entrepreneurship.

Take some time to think about what sets your business apart from the competition.  Is it the product itself?  Does your company have a strong brand identity?  What are the core elements of your business that can be used to market it? These are the components that you’ll need to leverage in order to create an effective small business marketing campaign.

3. Complete a business plan

The world of small business is a competitive place. No doubt you are going to need a great product or service, but more importantly, you’ll need a strong business plan. So why is it so important?

By completing a business plan, you are creating a roadmap for your company’s success. A business plan is only as good as the information it contains so make sure to include your goals, financial projections, marketing plans, and overall operations.

Your business plan should include information on the market you’re competing in, your competitors, your revenue goals, and a schedule for achieving them, financing options (if relevant), how you intend to protect your business from liabilities and a marketing strategy. 

Be sure to include an executive summary that details your company’s strengths, mission and background. Oh, and call it a business plan, not a business proposal or business plan outline – we’re not submitting anything to the bank for financing. 

4. Pick the right time to start

Picking the right time to start your business is crucial. Determining when to start a small business is important because of factors such as your existing obligations, how you plan to finance it, and the seasonality of your business. You’re going to have a much better chance of success by getting in early on a healthy company with lots of room for growth.

Starting a new business can be one of the most exciting and rewarding experiences in life. With all the potential for success, it’s easy to get caught up in the hype of starting your own business. There is a lot to consider when making that first step into entrepreneurship. Consider these four things before you take the plunge into starting your own business.

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5 Lead Generation Tips To Grow Your Small Business

Having a wider reach could give you more prospective customers for your products and services. The question is, how can you reach your target audience without spending too much money, time, and other resources?This is where lead generation tactics can play a powerful role.

One thing to consider is how you can make sure that the visitors to your website or social media become truly interested in what you are offering. In terms of marketing, lead generation is a mix of quantity and quality.

However, having tons of leads doesn’t necessarily translate to achieving your goals for higher sales conversion rates. Lots of leads can mean that you have unqualified buyers who may require more persuasion prior to conversion (sale).

The following can serve as your guide to generating high quality leads that will grow your small business.

1. First Things First, Track Your Lead Generation

The first step is to track lead generation return on investment (ROI). This helps you allocate a budgetusing measurable channels that entice leads, whether you are using social media, email, your website, or direct marketing to draw them in.

Google Analytics is good for this. Google can help you identify which pages generate the most traffic to your site. Salesforce customer relationship management (CRM)can also aid you in keeping tabs on the relationshipsyou are building with potential customers.

Marketing automation software,like HubSpot is also useful to track potential customer activity. It also helps you deliver marketing content tailored to your target audience’s interests.

2. Leverage Social Media

Aside from boosting brand awareness and interacting with customers via your website, you can also leverage social media to enhance your sales pipeline. A few social media tips include:

  • Share content that drives traffic. The most effective way of generating leads via social media is publishing content that direct traffic to your site. You can share blog posts, links, and even discounts to compel people to click through to your website.
  • Build a loyal following. Make sure to get to know your online audience and share information that will highlight your expertise. Join LinkedIn groups and other social media groups relevant to your business. When the relationship is built, a customer is likely to trust your business more.
  • Focus on engagement. Don’t focus only on your company, but instead try to interact with others and be more helpful. When customers are ready to make a purchase, they will likely come to you.

3. Make Lead Generation Mobile

When your content entices customers to visit your site, the next step is to get them to convert. It is optimal to get contact information via an intuitive online form. Mobile friendly forms that are designed properly can increase your conversion rate.

Optimizing forms for mobile means that you need to consider how forms will look across multiple devices, and multiple screen sizes. Users are not supposed to make extra effort just to complete a form on a mobile device, so make it easy for them.

4. Create Powerful Content

The most important part of a powerful lead generation strategy is content. People are attracted to websites, because of the valuable content that is served up on a consistent basis. The great thing about it is content marketing is far more affordable than traditional marketing, and can generate more leads. Generate more leads with these smart tips.

To make your content marketing effective, you need to find a defined target audience and tailor content just for them. Create engaging and informative blog posts, ebooks, webinars, videos, and landing pages that provide solutions to pain points and prompt visitors to take action.

5. Use Email Marketing To Your Advantage

Emails are an affordable and effective way to generate new business opportunities when used properly. Concentrate on an opt-in strategy to make sure that your subscribers are happy.

They should love receiving your emails and remember to include a link for your audience to subscribe. A few tips include:

  • Send valuable offers. Your offers should feel exclusive and give useful information.
  • Include clear CTAs. Ensure that your customers know what you want them to do with CTAs.
  • Link to landing pages. This is where your customers will provide their details for future remarketing efforts. “For example, a page intended to sell a product will be focused entirely on that product,” DreamHost explained.
  • Optimize your website for speed. Make sure you optimize your WordPress website speed so every page loads quickly. Every second matters!
  • Thank your customers. Be sure to have additional content and don’t forget to incorporate social media sharing buttons that encourage leads to share.

Maximize Small Business Growth With Lead Generation

There are a number of ways to grow your small business, and lead generation remains one of the most effective. Build a lead generation strategy with string content marketing and be sure to connect with potential customers in a meaningful way. Are your lead generation efforts maximizing profits?

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Key Elements of Success For Small Businesses

There has been no more difficult time than the present to start a home based business. The competition is stiff and things are moving at top speed within industries anywhere in the world. With this in mind small companies must do all they can to keep up with competition and to gain an edge. There are some proven business approaches that any small business can adhere to that will greatly improve their chances for success.

Hiring the Right Employees

When you have a small business each employee you hire is important. Large companies can have the luxury of having employees who are not engaged or skilled. But your business needs people who want to see you succeed and are willing to do what it takes to get you there. When you hire you must get the best talent possible and if they agree to work with you, you have to treat them well and share any financial success you have at your company. Small businesses too often function as feeder companies for large businesses where employees will get trained by you and then leave for a large company to make money. So you have to pay them well and also make them comfortable at your business. In some cases small businesses give their key employees equity in the business and this is definitely an idea to be considered.

Managing Their Money

Small businesses typically go out of business because of money matters. They will raise too little capital, manage the money improperly or not generate enough money to fulfill their business plan and keep things going. For this reason money matters must be a primary focus for a small business. The business must bring on key money management tools like the free small business budgeting template from The Business Backer. This valuable weapon helps business owners keep their spending accounted for and to make smarter business decisions. Using tools like this can go a long way to adding to the good health and bottom line of a business.

Treating Customers Well

Small business owners must understand that their main job is to keep customers happy about them, their products and services. This means making their entire organization customer focused and always being available and ready to meet any customer needs. Today for a small business this also means having a robust online and digital marketing presence that interacts with customers and prospective ones on an up to the second basis. Companies must be responsible and ready to assist with any questions or complaints. They can also use these channels to offer discounts and rebates to those loyal customers or as incentives to get more loyal customers. In the end focusing on the customer gets a business positioned right and able to hold on to them as the competition heats up.

Companies today have the greatest challenges but they also have the most opportunity for business success, provided they do all of the right things

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Mastering management skills to help your business succeed

There’s no getting around it: one of the key contributors to failure in small and medium-sized businesses (and sometimes even big ones) is poor management. Altogether too many people think that because they can build a business they can run one, and try to learn on the job. Others get out of their depth at a departmental level, inadvertently undermining the rest of the enterprise. However, it doesn’t need to be like this. What makes the difference is recognizing that a manager isn’t just there to tell people what to do – good management requires specific skills.  Making sure your business is the best it can be is so important. Check out these business management solutions.

Strategic thinking

The first thing you need to understand is that management isn’t just internal – it’s about understanding the position of each department within the company as a whole, understanding how that company fits into its sector, and understanding how that sector fits into the wider economy. This makes it possible to make effective decisions about actions that are needed and how finances should be managed. A manager has to be able to see the big picture, and should aim to plan about three years ahead while remaining flexible enough to account for changing circumstances.


Part of a manager’s job is to network, both within the company and outside it. Good networking brings in opportunities for improving the mechanics of the supply chain. It provides the chance to keep on learning new techniques for internal use, and it helps you to keep your finger on the pulse as far as developments within your sector are concerned. Networking doesn’t just take place at formal events, so you should be ready to get out and about and build up useful social connections.

Time management

In order for a business to run smoothly, everybody needs to be coordinated. This means that sticking to deadlines is really important. Managers not only need to get their own work done on time but also need to make sure that everybody in their teams do. This isn’t just about pushing people. You’ll also need to be aware of their individual capacities and make sure that work is portioned out in a manner that is practical, even if that doesn’t always seem fair.

Setting objectives

In order to facilitate work getting done on time and employees being able to engage with it enthusiastically, managers need to be able to set clear objectives and persuade their teams of their importance. At the most basic level, employees know that their livelihood depends on the company’s success, but they need to understand why particular actions are important to that success, and they need to have a clear picture of what’s required of them. As a rule, they will be more efficient when they can see how what they have been asked to do will contribute to the whole.


Communicating successfully with employees, board members, and others requires real flexibility on a manager’s part. This is one of the most important aspects of the job, and the reason why, for instance, Washington State’s online MBA program offers specialist courses in communications. First and foremost, it’s important to recognize that individuals vary and that information can’t always be delivered in a one-size-fits-all way. To be successful, you will need to be able to identify and adapt to the needs of your team. You’ll also need to be strong on formal communication techniques, especially for external use.

Investing in people

Ultimately, a manager can achieve nothing without a good team, but it’s the manager’s job to refine and develop that team. This means that you’ll need to be able to identify talents that should be brought to the fore, deal with clashes between team members, and identify weaknesses that suggest the need for additional training. All this will be more successful if your team members feel valued as individuals and are able to develop real trust in you, so you will need to work hard to be seen as supportive, attentive, and fair.

Good management enables a business to optimize its assets – including human ones – and punch above its weight in the marketplace. Management skills can be learned, but this is only possible when managers accept that they don’t know everything already and are willing to see themselves not only as bosses but also as functional parts of a larger business organism. If you’re ready for this, sharpening up your skills could enable you to take your business to the next level.

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Don’t Leave Your Business Financially Strapped

When running a home business, you’ve typically got much on your mind.

From lining up enough clients to make the business affordable to making sure said clients pay you on time, those are just two of the many tasks you’ve got going for you.

Before that home business ever literally opened its front doors, it needed some form of financial capital to help it get off the ground.

Whether you had money stored up previously, had assistance from family and/or friends, or even took out a loan recently, making sure your financial affairs are in order is critical.

So, how do you go about making sure to not leave your home business financially strapped?

Learn as Your Home Business Grows

Part of being a good home business owner is learning as you grow.

From knowing when your business is in need of a capital infusion to understanding how to obtain secure credit card processing, you must always be on your toes when it comes to finances.

Whether you are looked at as a high-risk merchant or someone who is hoping to have an Ecommerce business take flight alongside your other business ventures, you must make sure you and money are on the same page.

Ways to go about doing this include:

  • Not getting in over your head – First and foremost, always have a financial plan in place whether you’ve owned a home business for years or are just getting your feet wet in the arena. Some home business owners are great with ordering needed supplies, meeting customer deadlines, even managing the help under them that they may need along the way. So what could be their one fault? If you guessed managing money, you’re right. It is super important to not only know how to manage your company’s money, but to be able to sense the warning signs when things are not going well. Instead of burying you and your business in still more debt, recognize the signs when it is time to get assistance;
  • Getting paid on time – As a home business owner, you don’t get a paycheck every two weeks nor typically healthcare benefits managed for you as such in a “normal” corporate job. As the person in charge, it is up to you to make sure clients are paying you the money they owe on time. If they’re not, you can easily fall behind on your own bills, starting a dangerous precedent for your home business and your overall finances. Keep clients to a regular schedule when it comes to payments. In the event they are late with them, send out reminders, along with charging interest. If they totally remove themselves from paying their bills, look to a collection agency as a possibility, though you will end up paying a portion of the money you receive from the client to the agency in return for their assistance. For those customers paying by credit card, you need to always make sure their card info is up to date so there are no problems having a payment go through. If they pay by check, don’t excuse them if they get in the habit of bouncing checks here and there. Lastly, if you have friends or even family purchasing goods or services from your home business, avoid the old IOU policy. Yes, they’re your friends and/or family, but they should treat you as a respected business owner, knowing getting your payments on time is critical to you continuing to operate;
  • Keep business and home money separate – It can be tempting at times to borrow a little money here or there from your personal account or accounts in order to prop up your home business. You probably figure that both are tied together, so why not do it, right? There are a number of dangers if you decide to go down that road, so avoid it at all costs. The most inherent risk is that you will eat into your personal expenses for the sake of your business needs. When that happens, those dollars you had put away for personal needs and/or a rainy day fund can take quite a beating in just a short period of time. Always make sure that your personal expenses come first. No, you don’t want your home business regularly in the red or even potentially going under, but having a roof over your head, health insurance, food on the table etc. should always be your number one priority.

Having a home business under your direction can be one of your lifetime dreams.

The key is to managing it properly, knowing the warning signs of cash issues, and making sure you are doing everything possible under your power to be a financially smart business owner.

When you do those three things, you are less likely to leave your home business financially strapped.

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Tips on How to Make Your Own Business a Reality

Many people throughout their lives will have that light-bulb moment, you know the one, when an idea hits you for an innovation or an enterprise that you think could work. The sad truth is that far too many people don’t follow through with their ideas which can lead to regrets later in life or the possibility that someone else will come along with your idea and make it a success. There are many reasons why people won’t indulge their ideas and turn their dream into reality, whether it is fear, a lack of confidence or simply a defeatist attitude that stops them from doing this. If you fall into the bracket of having a fantastic idea and you’re not sure how to follow it through, then here are some tips on how to make your own business a reality.

Don’t Fear Failure

Almost every business or product that has been taken to the market has suffered setbacks along the way, these set backs are not failures, far from it. In fact, set backs are exactly what you need in order to perfect your craft, business or product and in a way, they should be welcomed. The notion of not trying something out in case you fail is one that should be dispelled from your mind, just go for it.

Research and Plan


65% of start-up business’ fail in their first year, the reasons for this are usually a failure to understand the market and the competition and an overly optimistic financial forecast. Before you even consider heading into the marketplace, it is imperative that you understand your target customers and the competition that you may face. Spending time on this in the beginning is the difference between failure and success. From a financial standpoint, you should always have a full and realistic plan for income and expenditure in the first year, the best approach in year 1 is to be frugal and sensible with how and where you spend your money. Small business loans are a great idea when you are starting out but make sure that you borrow within your means as if you fail to do so then this will bring added pressure to your business.

Make Friends

Creating a community of support around you is one of the most important things you can do for your business, regardless of what field you are entering in to. Whether it be making contacts within advertising or people higher up the food chain than you, if you create these contacts in then beginning then they will pay you dividends in the future. Remember to offer help and support to others if you wish to receive the same thing in return.

Take Advice

You may well think that your idea is the best thing since sliced bread, while this may be true it is important that you never become arrogant in your decision-making. Always seek help and advice from others who either know you well or know the marketplace well. The wisest businessmen and entrepreneurs out there make the best decisions because they seek counsel and you should be no different, even if you are convinced of a certain path or strategy, you should always bounce it off someone first to see if they can see any cracks or holes in your plan.

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