Easy but Effective Saving Tips to Help You Buy a House



Buying a new house is definitely exciting but it requires a lot of hard work and discipline most especially for people who are just starting to work and earn money. Most often than not, young people get blinded by material things that they can now afford with their salary so the usual ending is that they save nothing from their salary. So how’d you expect to buy a house when you spend all your salary in things you don’t actually need?

It is not too late to start fixing your spending habits and teach you how to save for a Lendlease house and land package.

  1. List down all your expenses – first of all, you should make sure that you have clear idea of all your expenses. To do this, you should list down all your monthly expenses starting from the most important ones like rent, gas, food allowance, electricity, phone bills and others. This way, you know how you will budget your salary in a way that you will still have some left for your savings.
  2. Spend according to your budget – coming up with a weekly or monthly budget plan is definitely a good idea. But you should make sure that you will indeed follow that set budget. Spend money according to your budget and do not go overboard or else you will find yourself broke.
  3. Allot specific percentage of your salary to go to your savings account – just what mentioned earlier, it is best if you will put money to your savings account every time you receive your paycheck. It is best to do this first thing before you pay your bills or other expenses.
  4. Pack lunch – you would be able to save money if you will bring packed lunch to office instead of eating out every day. You should prepare and cook your own meals. Not only you will be able to save money but also, you will ensure that you are eating healthy.
  5. Avoid drinking alcohol every Friday night – do you usually go out every Friday night? Well, you can unwind once in a while but do not make this a habit. Do not spend all your money on booze just to unwind. Not only you are burning your liver but also your money.
  6. Refrain from using credit cards – it is also advisable that you stop using your credit cards most especially if you know yourself to have no control or limit. Using credit cards lure you to believing that you can afford something that you actually do not. So it is best that you just spend cash.
  7. Minimise your shopping – lastly, avoid shopping impulsively. Do not buy things unless you really need it. Always think of other goals that you wish to achieve like buying a house so you can stop yourself from spending thoughtlessly.

Related: Tips to Save More and Spend Less

Sometimes, the smallest things can help you big time and can even get you closer to your goals like buying your dream house. Do not take for granted small actions like the ones we discussed. You should do your best to become more responsible with your finances. It will definitely pay off!


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